Thursday, July 01, 2004

I have officially ran out of lionsuits to wear but I'll still keep this title for this blog. Why? Simply because I like the sound of it.

I must have put on countless number of suits over the years. Lionsuits with the mane worn long; lionsuits with the mane worn short; lionsuits which are torn and tattered; formal one too. I have worn some which had a perpetual smile, some forever looking downright sorry. My lionsuits come in all shape and sizes, all colours and fit for all moods. Never had a favourite lionsuit myself, because all of them are precious to me.

But today is different I guess. I feel a little naked and a little cold. I looked down and realised that I did not have any of my lionsuits on. Feels kinda strange. Well, I cannot expect to be a lion all my life now can I? Can i?....


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