Saturday, June 14, 2003

All right, I admit it. I'm fat.
Well, not really FAT fat, but fat enough to make me feel really unhealthy. I do not like that feeling at all. I hate it when I begin to breathe heavily after just walking up 1 flight of stairs. I can't stand it when after a meal, I actually feel that my pants are tightening around my waist.

Sigh! Its really time to get down to some serious exercise. I could always blame it on age. You know, as you grow older, your girth just gets bigger. Some thing like your waistline is directly proportional to your age. I wish!
We know that its not like that. I know that its not like that. I just got to get down to it then.

I need to exercise. Not to lose weight. No, thats secondary. I need to exercise to feel fit again.
I'm serious! Believe me, please.


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