chick flick
i saw a chick flick over the weekend. don't laugh at me. it was not by choice, since my friend wanted to watch it but i must say that i did not regret watching it. it was an entertaining movie and it helped that kelly brooks was in it.
but that was not the main reason. the story line was a little loose and rushed but it got the point across. it was about women who were taken for granted by the men in their lives. in order to make their men notice them more, they went for lessons in seduction at a School For Seduction (which was the title of the movie). Through it, they sort of 'discover' themselves and was taught that being a woman was more than just seducing and pleasing their men. At the top of their agenda should be about making themselves happy.
there were quite a number of men watching the movie and i suspected that they were there just for kelly brooks. me? like i mentioned, i was glad i saw it. in big picture kinda way, it was telling us that we should, first and foremost, be happy being ourselves and with ourselves. once, with that said and done, everything else will be that little bit easier.
how was your day today? hope you were not down with the blues, since it is monday.
well, i am having a so so day. work is not too bad. the thing is, i have somethings on my mind that i just cannot get over. in sort of a pondering mood today, which in the end, will result in more grey hair.
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