Friday, December 03, 2004

arms wide open

i put that down as the title because i am listening to a song titled just that.

kinda a confusing cum slow cum late nights cum dreamy type of week for me. confusing because of all the confusing thoughts. slow, at work. late nights because i have been dragging on and sleeping rather late. there was always something to be done just before i sleep, i wonder why? dreamy because there were numerous dreams while i slept.

in a flash of an eye and we are already in the month of december. felt like just 2 days ago that i was preparing for a wedding that was to be my own. and now, 48 weeks into 2004 or should i say 4 weeks to go to 2005, i am sitting here at work wondering how it would have all turned out.

i was going to complain that i would have to work on christmas early morning again, but i decided against it. why? because i have gotten used to it and was kinda prepared for it actually. right now, i am just waiting for the timing, for me to get back in for work and what time i can get off. just thinking of it makes me feel a little sleepy. *yawn*.
excuse me...

a friend asked me, whether i believed in fate or in faith?
what is the difference i asked.
well, apparantly, fate is something like your destiny, you know. if you believe in fate, you believe that everything is already pre-planned for you and regardless of what you do, what is yours will be yours. it is all fated....
if you believe in faith, you have no control and instead place everything, your faith, in a higher power. that power will guide you and show what to do.
errrr... ok. one of the confuse bits in my week...


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