Tuesday, November 23, 2004

getting along, running along

i just realised that jogging to coldplay can really pump you up real good. their songs have a good rhythm to them and it makes jogging to their beat easy and hard. i wonder if you know what i meant...

i am one opinionated son of a bitch (sorry mum). i have to add in at least 1 line of everything that anyone tells me. whats up with me anyway? face it, i'm sure all you out there are now nodding their heads in agreement. in fact, i would not be surprise if a few of you are actually nodding furiously and giving me that 'now then you know ah' kinda look. sorry ladies and gentlemen. thats just me but that will not be used as an excuse. i'll try to change... give me a chance.

why did i say all of that?
well, my friend sent me this sms," my fren sent me the below sms, i like it hope you will to. 'if you can learn from hard knocks, you can also learn from soft touches...'
but being me, i had to reply,' i like it and i want to add, we must all want to learn from the knock and touches, if not the lessons will be all lost.'
sigh.... 'nuff said.....


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