Thursday, January 06, 2005


i bought a fhm mag last month which came with a nice looking 2005 calendar. needless to say, each month had a great looking babe. so i put it up at the start of this week.

today, we received a notice from my boss that maybe we should watch what we put up and tone down a little. the underlying message was of course to take down those posters/calendars! now i know my boss - who is a guy, incidentally - pretty well and for sure this sort of things will not bother him. sure enough, he hinted that he had to serve us this notice because he was 'advised' by some higher powers to. so his hands were tied. we - yes, i was not the only one - decided that we should not put him in a difficult position, so down came out posters and calendars. sigh... just 3 days...

did i tell you that steph song was feburary?


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