Wednesday, December 22, 2004

nothing forward, nothing back

not trying to contradict my earlier blog, i must say that i am actually not looking forward to christmas. at the same time, i am not unhappy that christmas is coming around. heck, its one of my favourite festive season. just that i'm pretty neutral this year.

i have not really been catching the movies. what about you?
i wanted to watch national treasure - i think its still showing though - but i have not found time for it. i know for sure that i want to catch phantom of the opera, which is coming soon. i'll have to make time for that. of course, a bunch of colleagues have already arranged to go catch the new stephen chow movie. you either love him or hate him and we happen to be a bunch of people who love him, well, at least his movies.

hey, how about leaving your christmas wishes here at the comments? tell me what you want. don't tell me the world peace crap because we are not in a miss universe contest here. instead, tell me what you wish for yourself.


At 8:07 AM, Blogger Contradictions said...

My Wishes...I have only ONE WISH...Just one wish for myself...the rest are simply will be a huge bonus for me if these wants are being fulfilled...

I wish for Strength...Strength to face whatever that come along my way...Just be strong enough...Just be strong enough to face all the challenges that come along my way...

World is not that goodie/noble...The world is too big for me to this moment of time...

At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

world peace...nah, I'm not Miss Universe, I wish for inner peace and contentment for myself :)

That being said, I wouldn't mind a new handphone, anyone out there gonna grant my wish? ;P



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