Tuesday, December 28, 2004


yes, i do know that it is quite an ugly word to start your morning with, but sometimes it is one of the facts of life.

i received a call from an old friend last night. it was quite late and quite unlike her. she sounded pretty upset and she told me that she is thinking of getting a divorce and just needed someone to speak to.
now, you must understand that she just got married 4 months ago. in fact, i was the coordinator and mc for her wedding. her husband, whom i had the opportunity to meet and speak with on quite a few occasions, was quite a nice guy.

throughout the conversation, she kept saying that the husband was a nice person but he could not provide for her. not the material needs, mind you, but more on the emotional level. she felt that she was always the one taking care of him while she did not feel the same from him. the in-laws were a little of a problem also. then she started crying. sigh...
i'll be meeting her today.

sometimes, even the best laid plans can go awry.
something else she said stuck in my head. she mentioned that after 5 years of being together, 4 months being married, the husband still did not know that she drank tea without sugar.
many times, it is the little things in life.


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