Tuesday, January 11, 2005

the mouth

you can call me that, with a shoe in it.
i screwed up over the weekend again. i let myself go and then said things that should not be said. i just thought that i was helping a good friend, but my mouth got off and let out somethings that were uncalled for.
well, the thing is, i realised that i wanted her to do things which i was never able to do. i was wrong and silly to think as such. in fact, i was stupid to think that anyone out there would bother about the so-called advice from me. afterall, i too have failed in areas, so who am i to give any advice at all?
i just don't learn huh, sometimes?

i try to keep my mouth shut for now, until i am asked something.

my friend who was considering a divorce is now trying her best to hold her marriage together. she had spoken with her husband and they had decided that they needed external help. they would probably be going to see a marriage counselor , in an attempt to save the marriage. she will try everything in her capacity to save the marriage.

i am looking to do what will make me happy. if you ask me, i will say the same to you. do what you deem will make you happy. we only live once, well depending on what religion you believe in, but basically, with this 1 life, lets be happy. what do you say?


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