Wednesday, August 03, 2005

back to work

finally, i am back at my desk here at work. after a good 3 weeks vacation, i have to say that it does feel a bit good to be back.

i know, you must think that i am crazy to feel good to be back at work but the fact is that my job has been good to me, so i can't say that i hate coming back to it. unless i have millions and millions of dollars such that i can afford to not work and just do anything i want to do. if not, doing the job that i have now is something that i am happy doing.

did you know that one of the budget airways is now flying to krabi? for 25.98 1 way, hey, thats a truely good deal if i ever saw one. i have not been to krabi before but i heard that its another beautiful place, something like phuket. with this cheaper flights there, i do believe that it will not be long before you hear me zipping off to this destination.


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