Friday, June 24, 2005

has it been that long?

late last night, i went over to meet a couple of old friends. one of them, i known for 7 years, the other a whooping 15 years. they knew each other when i brought them down for a soccer match years before.
now they are considering setting up a small company together.

over the weekend, i helped to coordinate another wedding for another close friend. he was my soccer kaki and she was my colleague at work. i introduced them to each other one fine night when we went pubbing together. they never looked back since then.

my friend was looking at some of the photos i took at the wedding and comparing them with some photos of me from 4 years ago. she said that i have really matured a lot. hmmm...
yes, i do feel that i have aged quite a bit. maybe my peter pan days were behind me and i have grown up. well, i want to believe that i have grown up, but just that little bit.

there have been more and more reminders recently that i will be hitting the big 30 in less than a month's time.
age has always been a number to me and it is how i live my life that matters to me most. sometimes, i do hope that i can act my age. that does not say much about me, now does it? i wonder what made my friend say that i am more matured now. ohhhh.... must be just the looks and not the way i behave. hmmmm... i wonder if that is a good thing or not?

there is only 1 thing that i want to correspond to my age of 30. and that is my waistline....
'nuff said...


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