Tuesday, September 19, 2006

6 years on...

i have been at my present job for 6 years, yesterday. i'm not sure if that is a good thing or not. i remembered when i first started working, someone told me that i should be looking to move to a new job 2 years on. i guess i i had followed that, then i should be at my 3rd job by now, and beginning to look for a new one soon?

6 years... long? probably not, compared to many of my colleagues. bumping into one who had worked here for over 10 years is quite common. we even have a couple of them who have been here for over 30 years.

i wonder if i'll be here for that long? the work is still good and the people i work with are nice. there are the occasional nasty incidents and unpleasant jobs but overall, i am happy here. some might say that too many years at a job will make a person sink into a comfort zone and become unmotivated. perhaps...
i guess the challenge is to motivate yourself then. that is a big challenge if you look at it from the correct point of view. no small feat, this one.


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