Wednesday, October 18, 2006

lucky man

i watched tv12 last night and there was this program where they interviewed actors. michael j fox, of back to the future fame, was the interviewee last night.

he started out with the bubble gummy role of marty macfly in 3 back to future movies but he began to came into his own as he grew older. unfortunately, he is more remembered as the actor who had parkinson's disease at a young age. I believe he must be something like just over his 40s and he already had parkinson's for many years.

so there he was being interviewed and he was talking about how lucky he was. in fact, he had written a book titled 'lucky man'. all the proceeds from the book will go to the foundation he had setup for research into parkinson's.

there was one part of his answer that i remembered deeply.

he said to imagine a room of people standing in a circle. then they were all told to put their problems into the centre of the circle, out for everyone to see. after that, they were told to take one problem, any one, from the centre back for themselves. they will all take back their own problem. sometimes, we just don't realise how lucky we are.


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