Monday, April 30, 2007


handphones or if you rather, you can call them mobile phones, have become an integral part of our lives. i believe the number of handphone subscribers is equalvent to about 90% of our population. its possible, considering that some of us have more than 1 mobile line.

i remember that my 1st handphone was obtained when i was in uni. that was, oh about, 10 years ago, plus minus. nowadays, i hear my colleagues complaining about their children chalking up high mobile phone bills due to them talking or sms-ing on their mobile. we are talking about kids who are about 13 years old. man... they are starting out really early now, at least 10 years earlier than me. i guess i got to move with the times.

the thing that really got me amazed was the fact that the parents are fearful of imposing measures to cut down their children's talk/sms time. apparantly, the handphone is now as much a part of their lives, it is actually their lives. my colleague claimed that when he threatened to take away his son's mobile, his son exclaimed,"then you might as well take my life!" it has become that serious. we have colleagues warning each other to be careful when dealing with these mobile phone kids, since it can cause some very extreme reactions when you try to curb their usage.

as parents, they have other considertions, of course. mobile phone bills of over $100 are not unusual, with the number of sms showing up as over 1000 per month. i wonder if the clinics are seeing a raising number of cases of young patients reporting that they have sore thumbs?

I'm not sure... i'm just now sure... hmmm... how we have fallen prey to the mobile technology generation...

oh, did i mention to you that i intend to change to a new mobile this week?

Monday, April 23, 2007

blogging again...

its been sometime, i must admit since i last blogged. i wonder if anyone missed me. just that there was not much to blog about. or was it just a case of being too lazy to blog? i wonder...

after a couple of months of thinking and researching, i finally made put down the money for a new digital camera. its costing me 950 big ones but it has been something that i wanted to buy for long now. its a step up for me but i think its a step i wanna take. i am always very impress with some of the pictures taken but some of my friends. i do know that the camera does not matter, i repeat, the camera does not matter, it just helps you to do certain things faster and easier. go google for 'ken rockwell' and you can read up all the technical stuff in there. lots of interesting things if you want to know more about photography.

anyway, i expect to take delivery of my camera by this week and i hope to do a bit more photo blogging in time to come. hope that i can have lots of nice photos for you in time to come.

stay tuned...