Monday, April 23, 2007

blogging again...

its been sometime, i must admit since i last blogged. i wonder if anyone missed me. just that there was not much to blog about. or was it just a case of being too lazy to blog? i wonder...

after a couple of months of thinking and researching, i finally made put down the money for a new digital camera. its costing me 950 big ones but it has been something that i wanted to buy for long now. its a step up for me but i think its a step i wanna take. i am always very impress with some of the pictures taken but some of my friends. i do know that the camera does not matter, i repeat, the camera does not matter, it just helps you to do certain things faster and easier. go google for 'ken rockwell' and you can read up all the technical stuff in there. lots of interesting things if you want to know more about photography.

anyway, i expect to take delivery of my camera by this week and i hope to do a bit more photo blogging in time to come. hope that i can have lots of nice photos for you in time to come.

stay tuned...


At 1:40 PM, Blogger 一点一滴。。。 said...

Hi, happy to see your new blog entry...just enjoy reading your blog as I shared some of your sentiments in some blog entries while i find some inspiring.


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