Wednesday, September 22, 2004

JC mates?
when the bride's friend asked her whether we were JC mate, she looked at me, thought about it and replied with a smile,"we were, for 5 days."
yep, that was how long we were together in JC before she left to study in another. that was more than a decades ago and we are still good old friends. i was her mc at her wedding last night. Both su, eng and i had spent the jc orientation together, that was all. but we kep in contact after that and the rest was history.

from the initial orientation games till the present where i have mc and coordinated at both their weddings. we have come a long way.

the long chat we had after the dinner was over was good. it was as if we had never gone more than 1 week without seeing each other. the fact was that, it was more like 6 months in between before we meet again. still, we had remained good friends. for them, i am grateful.


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