Wednesday, September 15, 2004

the little mind
as i lie awake last night, though i was trying my darnest to get to sleep, i was suddenly overcome by this feeling of loneliness.
it was a feeling of isolation and utter helplessness and a feeling of just me alone in my room was overwhelming. i guess its the thought of being alone and not the actual fact of it.

i am feeling a little bit crazy today.
don ask me why, just that i am feel crazy. not that i have done any crazy thing so far, well at least not yet, but still, i feel crazy. you know how that is?
no worries though. none of those hardcore crazy stuff. just a little bit crazy.

no? you have no idea what i am talking abt? well there... i told you i am feeling a little crazy today. if you had understood all those i have written, then that makes you a little crazy too. ain't that fun?


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