Thursday, September 16, 2004

i got it....
yep, i have found the mtv that i was raving abt in my earlier blogs.
managed to download it, all 70Mb of it, and i have already watched it a couple of times. each time, i laughed at all the funny scenes even though i already know what to expect.

i went to sleep with a smile after that...
then i started to think abt the what ifs ... and how we could be good together. then it started.
thank goodness i managed to fall asleep sooner rather than later and everything else was like a dream.

I woke this morning quite apprehensive. Till i saw the news, plainly stating 2-0.
And my day was off to a good start. these days, it does not take much to make me a happy person. i don expect a lot out of life but i do expect a lot out of myself and what i can give to life and others.


At 10:08 PM, Blogger Zann said...

Whose music video is this? You've got me so curious now!


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