Friday, October 22, 2004

of weddings and the 7 seas

what can I say, I am mightily proud that of the ROM I will be attending tomorrow. Maybe the only time I will be prouder still will be when I attend my own, but I digress.

I am really happy for what will be a very happy day for a couple. 1 of them, I do not know really well, but I think that will change with time to come. Another is someone whom I have known for 8 years? I think that’s about right.
Someone whom I have learnt lots from. Someone who has seen me at highest point and who was also beside me at my lowest.

I’m not sure but I am probably right to say that he likes the sea a lot. Probably why it is so appropriate that the solemnization ceremony will be carried out near the sea. It should be a beautiful experience.

So many significant dates in just such a short time.


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