Sunday, October 03, 2004

Perfect woman for the perfect man
100% love. i thought there was a mandarin movie entitled that, right?
oh, sorry, it was 100% feeling or something of that kind.

anyway, is there a 100% perfect woman for the 100%perfect man? is there such thing as a 100% woman and a 100% man? (i can declare that i am 100% man lah! but that is another story all together) how about 100% love?

Did you watch the movie 'remember the titans'? bear with me here...
well, basically, it was about this college american football team, the first to have both blacks and whites playing side by side. Not only that, they also went through the whole season, 13 games, without losing a single game. no one gave them any chance at all to win even 1 game, since they were suppose to be a disjointed team. whites playing with blacks!
my point? there was this part in the movie, when they were playing their last game, the championship game, and the team was trailing in the scores. in the dressing room, the coach was telling his boys that it was ok and that even if they lost, he would be proud of them, since they came so close to having a perfect season.
it was at this point the captain of the team stood up and said,' none of us here, as individuals, is perfect. but we have made it so far without losing a game and that makes this team a perfect team. and i am not about to lose that.' well, something to that effect. of course, they went on to win.

after all that blabbing...
i guess there just ain't a 100% perfect woman for the 100% perfect man. but you know that you got a good thing going if 2 less that 100% person come together and they make a 100% couple with a 100% love.


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