i was digging through my drawers, trying to clean them up a bit and i came across yet some more photo albums. the photos were from when i was really young, back in primary school till those from when i was in u.
there were those from my 1st year hall days, and 1 of the albums contained photos from my jc days. the u ones showed a typical late night supper session in our rooms. the primary school one was taken when i had my birthday (could not remember at which age) and there were lots of people around. the jc was of my sailing team, in the 2nd year.
in one, it showed jon on the pc and his playful self, showing the middle finger to the camera. another showed us posing for pictures after we collected our medals, for coming in first in the zone sailing competition.
all great memories.
everything reads a little jumbled up above. well, its just like that in out memories, ain't it? bits and pieces here and there. but whenever i recall them, or when i look at them photos again, it just feels like i was there again.
I never liked taking pictures when I was young and could never understand why were my parents so insistent on taking pics every occasion, every outing, every trip overseas. Every outing to the zoo or playground or birthday celebration will leave me dirty, sweaty but satisfied, and taking pics just spoilt the mood fo me coz I will be forced to pose here and there when all I wan to do is to run ard and poke my head in everything.
But as I grew older, and I looked back at those pics, I finally understood why. Like what u said, it really brought back lots of memories and I could almost feel what I was feeling then when the pics were taken :) probably a little rose-tinted, but always gives me tat warm fuzzy feeling :)
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