Thursday, July 17, 2003

Go on try it...
It will make you feel good...
It will make you feel heavenly...

No, I do not want to be addicted to it. You might not think so but this has got to be one of the most addictive thing in the world. Once you've tried it, you will not want to stop. You will come back for more, craving for more.... Got to resist... Got to.

Why would you turn away a chance to make yourself feel good? To make yourself feel like you are in the most wonderful place of all. Heaven maybe? Mmmmm... just the thought of it would make you want to plunge right in, doesn't it?

But but... I can't. I just can't. Or can I? I'm totally confuse now. See what have you done. Part of me wants it but another part of me stops me. Its a sin right? I mean, something so wonderful can't be all that right, can it?

On the contrary, it is totally right. Its okay. Go on... try it, try it.

I'm losing the battle. I am giving in, I can feel it.

Yes, yes... come on. Just do it. Just try it...

Thats when I finally gave in and went for my chocolate fondue.

Alternatively.... the ending could go...

Thats when I went and fell in love.


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