Monday, July 14, 2003

I think its official.
More than half of the year has gone by just like that and with the laws of average, I should be getting rich anytime now. So all those of you out there who has not been good to me, well, you better start because I would not like to take my chances, know what I mean? I laff... loud loud...

Anyway, it is way past the half way mark. I always liked the second half of the year, from July onwards, because it just starts to feel a little festive, don't you think so? There is Christmas at the end of the year and of course New Year's Eve. Before that, there is always Deepavali. The chinese gets to eat mooncake in the annual mooncake festival - double eggs for me please - with all the lanterns coming up. Ahhh... what else?

Things will only look up from here on, I'm sure. Take heart everyone, take heart. I do, so should you.


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