Thursday, July 10, 2003

I'm really too lazy for lots of things these days. I can take the easy way out and blame it on age but neah, we all know that its not just that. Its the mentally that we are all having. Spending too much time at work and not enough time to do other things.

Come now, lets not kid ourselves and say that because of work, we have no time to meet friends. That we have no time to spend with the family. That we have no time to get in exercise or just to relax at the beach. I know for sure that I have used the excuse for almost all the time but at the back of my mind, i know better. We just need to put in the effort lor!

Neah, I'm not out to educate people in general because I ain't that great. I am using this to spur myself so that I can use my time better, or at least spend it more than just on work. I need to smell the roses more, spend more time with me friends and go get a TAN! *snigger* ...

Oh well, I was told that I looked like the hainanese white steamed chicken. Oh drats then, I better go get dark, like soon! Ahhhh... the beach and the sun.... longing longing longing...


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