Monday, July 21, 2003

There are a few blogs sites which I visit without fail, everyday.
Today I came across 1 particular blog from a friend who is now in the UK. Something she wrote struck me. I just have to post it up here and I hope that she would not mind. I believe most of us must have gone through a feeling like this in our time.

This is taken off a book she had read.

"We are unerring in our choice of lovers, particularly when we require the wrong person. There is an instinct, magnet or aerial which seeks the unsuitable. The wrong person is, of course, right for something -- to punish, bully, or humiliate us, let us down, leave us for dead, or, worst of all, give us the impression that they are not inappropriate, but almost right, thus hanging us in love's limbo. Not just anyone can do this."

Hope you are a feeling a little better, zanyone...


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