Monday, October 13, 2003

Its been a ridiculously hectic day for me. There don't seem to be an end to all the work that is coming in. Not that I am complaining, just that sometimes, when too many things are all happening at the same time, I feel pretty hard-pressed. But its all right. I have learnt to chill a little and just get a detached when things are too pushy. But 1 bad habit I have is to snack, which I must say, has contributed to my every growing girth.

1 of my colleagues came up to me and commented that my white hair count is on the raise again. I told her that it was because I'm not a bright person and thats why I needed to think a lot to overcome all my project requirement constraints. Quite true, don't you think so? If I were a really smart person, I would not need to squeeze my brain so much to re-solve these. She went away laughing.

Aaaahhh, the sounds of laughter do make my day.
I just realise how satisfying it can be to actually make a person laugh. It gives me a little tingle everytime I know that a person is laughing be it, at me or with me.


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