Thursday, September 09, 2004

I have been wanting to put something on this blog over the last few days, but i was too caught up with work. Did not really have much time.

Well, the mood for that has passed but you can be sure that when it returns, you would be the first to read it, on this blog.

I went to the dentist and my worst fears have been realised. I would need to do a root canal treatment. What is that?
Well, let me try and tell you.
It involves drilling a hole in your decaying tooth. Then the dentist will proceed to use tiny files, sharp and long, to screw them into your tooth to try and remove any decaying stuff still stuck in your tooth canal. Of course, this would mean that the files get pretty near your nerves at the bottom of your tooth. So in order not to let you cry out in pain, you are first of all injected with anesthetic , and what fun would it be to just use a normal needle? Instead, they use this really long needle, i swear at least 2 inches long, all the better to reach the back of your mouth. Of course, once might not be enough, so lets do it 3 times, just in case...
And since i was laying there, i can see all the needles and sharp objects flying over my face, before they are sunk into my mouth. When i had the time, i looked at all the objects laying on the dentist worktable. i tell you , that was the first time i ever saw so many sharp objects all in 1 place!
And to make things challenging, I will have to go back at least 3 more times, over the next 3 weeks, to finish up the whole treatment, each taking about 1 hour.

I have had needles poking my eyes, my mouth and my arms. All these, and to think that i would have pierced my ears, if not for the fact that i was afriad of the pain thats comes with the piercing..... sigh...


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