Monday, September 13, 2004

4 words
go catch The Terminal...

my friend told me that i have indeed changed. indeed i have, but for better or for worse.
i personally would like to think that i have changed to suit the times, or at least my age. whether there is a good thing or not, thats not for me to say.
there would be adverse effects as well positive ones. i like to think that the good ones outweigh the bad.

i'm only human and i do have my bad days. i am perhaps lucky, as i grow older, because i have gotten used to these sort of emotions since younger. like i keep saying, give me a book and some music and i will survive the day. now that i am earning, movies are not beyond my reach. now that i am driving, distance is not an issue any more.

The Terminal.
A heart-warming film that is both reflective and objective. (if you can make out that last sentence please interpret it and tell me what i just wrote. I put it down because it sounded clever)
Anyway, it is funny and the whole movie is very well done, just like any Steven Spielberg shows. Looking forward to watching Man On Fire and Dodgeball.


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