Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Ok... i admit. I almost did want to cry when i saw the news on Jiawei and Susilo going to get married. She should be mine.... heh heh. She is really cute...

'some guys have all the luck,
some guys have all the pain.
some guys get all the breaks.
some guys do nothing but complain....'
- Some guys have all the luck by Rod Steward

But seriously, i was looking forward to this. i think they make a good-looking couple and a good couple at that. after all, they never did let their nationality and language barrier get in their way.
way to go...

thats the way things should be. nothing should stand in the way. sure, there will be some ups and downs, but at the end of the day, they still have each other...

i read the reports. Susilo asked Jiawei to marry him. She agreed. Then he asked her what she wanted and she reply,"Nothing. Just you."
Damn... where is the tissue?


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