Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Thank you.

Just a couple of words that I feel are pretty underrated. We don't say enough of it, thats what I think. But do say it sincerely, if not these words will merely be just that, words.

I just want to say a big "Thank You" to you. For the mere fact that you are reading this, it means that you mean something to me. And I would like to say to everyone of you readers - all 7 million of you! - that you have made a difference in my life. You have made it better in your own way. So "Thank You"s are in order.

I'm a little sad today after reading a blog.
My blog is a means of communicating what sometimes I would not say, to anyone. Just some random thoughts or some matters that I had thought long and hard about. Its means a lot for me to share with you, and it means even more when you share with me. I share because you are dear to me, and I take it the same way when you allow me to be a part of you.
A friend might be stopping his blog soon. Telling him what I think of his blog or how I enjoy it would have been my style 6 months ago. I would even tell him how much he had changed my outlook of certain things in life or how his blog has made me noticed things about me I never knew. I could go on and on, heh heh, which I would have... months before.
So lets try this one more time.

C: This might be my last posting.

Wings: Don't stop...

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Its really interesting.
I read in the forum in thw papers the other day. It was written by an Indian girl in a primary school. It was in response to an article previously printed. The article talked about how the younger generation of today was not able to mix racially.
But the little girl begged to differ. She wrote about how she had many Chinese friends at school and that her best friend was actually a Chinese too.

Then while at lunch today, I saw a few European men having dim sum. One of them was able to a little chinese and when he ordered some of the dishes, he ordered them in Mandarin. He was also delighted when his favourite dish arrived, which was 'chang fun'.

I personally have quite a few friends from different races. In fact, 1 of my best friend is an Indian. I do believe that we are mixng well enough, thank you very much.

Neah, I do not need to worry about how others think of me. BUT, I do take to heart what my close friends think of me. Face it, don't you? What happens if your best friend thinks that you are making a mistake by quitting your job? Would you take his/her opinion seriously? I think so.
But what happens when what your close friends are not what you feel? Do you stand to correct them, or do you just leave it? But they are afterall your close friends.

Ever had a conversation with someone and in the middle of you relating something, the person takes out his phone and start sms-ing. Then when the person is done, he looks at you and expects you to just continue from where you left off, as if nothing has happned?
What happens if a group of friends asked you to tell a story. You obliged but half way through it, they start to talk among themselves and you have to stop because it would be ridiculous to be talking to yourself. When they are done, they turn to you and ask you to continue, as if nothing had happned. Hmmm... I do hope that I have never done something like that, but I believe I must have, sometime or another. I apologise sincerely.

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

There is only so much one can do and sometimes, its just not enough. But I do try, my best... I do give it, all my best. I always believed that if you give your best, than your best will always be good enough.
I got his from Andrea Agassi. I think he said this when he last won Wimbledon or something like that. He started his speech by thanking his coach who told him that his best was always good enough.

I have been thinking lots lately, which is a surprise since I have given up on thinking about anything since, like long ago. But yes, I have reverted back to thinking, well, at least a minimal amount of it.

The realization that I might have actually grown older since my dad's passing have made me sat up a bit. So many things I wanted to do, so many things I wanted to see and so many things I just wanted.

My lastest series of weird-ass dreams. I dreamt that I was playing hide and seek with my brother in my home. It was late at night and everything was dark. He was the seeker so I went to hide. I went downstairs and just stood behind a cupboard. He came down and he found me... then I woke up.

Somtimes, I just worry too much. Sometimes, I don't worry enough. Sometimes, I care too much, other times, I just don't care enough. Sounds like some kinda PMS mood swing thingy that I am having, but you and I know that thats not possible. Trust me! Its not possible! ... ;p

I'm just a busybody who likes to poke his nose into other people's business. Maybe its because I can't handle my well, so I would rather handle others'? Maybe, maybe...
Or perhaps, I am just happy to people I know happy, after I have helped them. I do try my best....
One person cannot do it all, one cannot bear the whole world on the shoulders. But I guess, we all try our best.

Friday, August 01, 2003

Non-peaceful night number... well, I have lost count. This time its of no fault of mine at all.
At around 3.40am this monring, I was woken up because I distinctly heard the ringing of an alarm clock. Of course, no sane person in my household would be waking up at that time. So I had to wake up and go check. Yep, I'm right. Me mum left her alarm clock running, probably forgot to switch it off after her afternoon nap. So there I was in the wee hours of the morning, feeling all groggy, walking over to her room to switch off the alarm. For your info, my mum does not sleep in her room because we have just re-done up the room after my dad's passing.
Since I was up, I might as well go to the toilet, which I did. After that, back to bed again. But sleep has been disrupted. Thank God Its Friday...