Thank you.
Just a couple of words that I feel are pretty underrated. We don't say enough of it, thats what I think. But do say it sincerely, if not these words will merely be just that, words.
I just want to say a big "Thank You" to you. For the mere fact that you are reading this, it means that you mean something to me. And I would like to say to everyone of you readers - all 7 million of you! - that you have made a difference in my life. You have made it better in your own way. So "Thank You"s are in order.
I'm a little sad today after reading a blog.
My blog is a means of communicating what sometimes I would not say, to anyone. Just some random thoughts or some matters that I had thought long and hard about. Its means a lot for me to share with you, and it means even more when you share with me. I share because you are dear to me, and I take it the same way when you allow me to be a part of you.
A friend might be stopping his blog soon. Telling him what I think of his blog or how I enjoy it would have been my style 6 months ago. I would even tell him how much he had changed my outlook of certain things in life or how his blog has made me noticed things about me I never knew. I could go on and on, heh heh, which I would have... months before.
So lets try this one more time.
C: This might be my last posting.
Wings: Don't stop...