Monday, October 27, 2003

How is your Monday, the day after a long weekend. Well, at least for most of us we had a long weekend, but I do know of others who still had to work on Saturday...

Anyway, yes yes yes, I am a very kaypoh person. I will be the first to admit it.
What can i say, I am a sucker for gossiping. Next time, any of you out there want to know about news, well, come to me. Chances are I already know and I will be able to cue you in. Heh heh heh...

In the beginning, it was slow. After a while, you get used to the pace and then you speed up a little, but just a little because you don't want to cause pain. You know your limit.
Then you start to sweat but it feels good. You can feel the muscles as you pound away. The hardly worked muscles begin to itch a little, as the lactic acid builds up. Your breathing becomes easier as you ease into a rhythm. It feels good. From time to time, you speed up a little but just for a few minutes, then you ease off. You want to save the last bust for last. Then the finishing is in sight and you give it your all, a last sprint...
Aaaahhhh... it feels good when its all over, as you feel tingly all over. It was a good jog, long overdue.

Yep, I went for a jog, though short, but a good one. For those who know me, you will know that this is sort of a small achievement for me, since I have not jogged for months. I had time on saturday night, so I went for a short jog. It felt good and I hope that I can keep it up. Lets start with once a week and then we can move on from there. The muscles are aching just that slightly today but it feels really good.

I was able to catch up over the weekend with a few friends over the phone. It was good to be able to talk to them, one was an old friend since JC. I just realised that we were all waiting for each other to call. I thought that she was busy looking for a flat, she thought I was busy dating. But after we talked, we realised that we were just waiting... and assuming.

I'll not assume that you are not free from now. I'll just call to find out. I hope that you don't think I'm busy either, call me and find out. Come age, I have learnt what are the important things and who are the people that matters to me. So I'll make time when I don't have time. Thats a promise from me.
Lets not assume...


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