Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Photos... lots of them. I have no idea where they came from, but they are certainly mine.
My mum was cleaning up my closet and she came across a bunch of old photos from my Uni days. I laughed when I saw some of them. In one was a good friend of mine, lets call him Ed. He was sooo lean back then! I mean, he was really really slim, compared to what he looks like now. In fact, I had to do a double take before I recognized him in the photos. Then again, 'life has been pretty good' to us since back then.
Chocolate fondue anyone? ...

I have been coughing for the last week or more. I believed that I could have recovered long ago if not for my perpetual habit of snacking on chips and chocolate. Sigh...
Drink more water boys and girls and keep that Vit C + Zinc close by. You never know when you would need it.


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