Sunday, February 08, 2004

Many things happen in our lives. Many times, those things are beyond us. We can only try our best in all that we do.

How was the weekend?
Well, it had been a really long and tiring week for me. Been busting my butt at work because I need to rush out some implementations but the darn things ain't working. Back to the drawing board I guess. But at least my 12 hour work days had not been in vain. Hopefully things will look up this week.
Also, I had to see another loved one hospitalised. Fortunately, it was just for a case of appendicitis. But still it hurt her bad, especially after the operation, and it hurt me even more, to see her in such discomfort. At least she is out of the hospital. Well, she can't move around too much and she is still feeling some pain, but at least she will be fine. I'm sure she will be glad with the 10 days of MC. heh heh heh...

If you had known him for as long as I had known him, then you would understand him. In a way, sometimes, we all get a little agitated for the non phone calls, or the change, but like I said, you need to understand each other. Once that understanding has been established, then hey! ... no biggie...

Lets just see how this week goes. Once things are set in motion, it just gathers up speed.

Hey, no worries ok? We all go through patches in life. Friends can come in real handy sometimes but there are times when we just need to get out of those patches ourselves. After that, then we can celebrate with our friends!


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