Monday, November 03, 2003

I played soccer yesterday. I'm not kidding, I did. And it was not one of those kickabout. It was a full-pledged match, 45 minutes a half, full side, on a proper field and I lasted the whole match.
I came out of it quite unscathed, saved a slightly bruised knee. What were my contributions? A few passes, a few interceptions, a long shot on target and a foul, which would have deserved a yellow card.
One thing was evident though, age has really caught up. I am not as fast as before. Hey, running up and down the field is still all right, but when you are sprinting for a 50-50 ball, I am always half a stride slower. Its like, 'Hey, I can reach that ball!' and then, 'Hey, where did he come from?' and there goes the ball. The mind is willing but the flesh is weak.
But I must say that it was good.

This part, I know, I will get a real big reaction from the few of you.
I had a dream the night before. I dreamt that I went to the toilet to pee. I switched on the lights and naturally, I had to look down at the bowl. Guess what I saw in there. I saw a couple of roasted chicken wings sitting on top of a nice green piece of lettuce. Don't ask me! I have no idea! ...
NOPE! I did not do anything. I woke up after that. The dream was way too weird, even for a person of my weird status.


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