Thursday, February 12, 2004

Hello, is there anybody out there?

Have you ever encountered an instance when you just thought that something was right or maybe wrong. And you are so dead sure about it. But after some time, you are proved to be wrong?
Don't get me wrong. Everything is fine and dandy in my life. Just that I heard about a relative of mine. Seems like things ain't going too well for his marriage. The thing was his wedding was greeted with much joy and happiness some 3 years ago. He was a nice person and all of us thought that the wife was just as good. "A couple to last the times", thats what we thought. Or at least, it was the supposed 'default', I guess.

3 years later, and now faced with a divorce, its heartbreaking. And the irony? He said that he had been putting up with his wife for 3 years. NOW that is a huge surprise. Sigh...

So what are we sure about nowadays? Economy is crazy, one day up two days down. Family? Now thats a constant, well at least till they pass on. Jobs ain't no certainty, and the weather for one ain't no guarantee. Friends? Now thats one sure thing... well, same applies to them as to family now, ain't it?

But at the end of it all, we are still looking at a long road ahead with no one knowing what to expect. Instead of moving on with a whole lot of trepidation of what might happened and what would go wrong, I suggest we just live life to the fullest. What the hell, have a go at life itself and just have fun. Stay healthy, so that you might live longer and have more fun!
Why not?


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