Friday, May 21, 2004

"Seven days and seven nights of thunder,
The water's rising and I'm slipping under.
I think I fell in love with the 8th world wonder ..."

- Kimberley Locke

I have the above song lyrics stuck in my head for the whole morning. From time to time, I will just break out singing it. I hope my colleagues don't kill me before I finish this! I have no idea why this song is in my head but its been 2 straight morning in a row that I have heard it on my way to work. Catchy song with a catchy tune.

So what are your plans this Friday?
I know that its a little too early since we still have half a day more to go but what the heck, no one can say that I don't plan ahead now, right?
Anyway, I got to work tomorrow ... boring.


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