Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Bungee jumping....

Why bungee jumping now, you might be asking?
Do you know what you need when you bungee jump? Do you know how you can go about doing it?
Well, first up, you will need to be devoid of feeling. You cannot open your heart to any feelings at all, not joy because when you open your heart, unavoidablely, fear will creep in and then you will not make the jump. After you have taken the step off the edge, then all your feeling will come rushing in because you have reached the point of no return. You can't scream stop because gravity is a bitch. She does not stop for no one.

I needed to be in my bungee jumping mode today. I was totally devoid of feelings, nothing, I felt nothing. I went about what I needed to do and there were a few times when I nearly lost it but I regained my composure and maintained. Until I have reached the point of no return...



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