Flea Market
We had a charity event today. It was a small bazaar of sort and all the proceeds will go to the MINDS Tampines Home.
I am proud to say that I was in charge of the flea market. We had appealed for staff to donate their 2nd hand or unused stuff to us and we will sell them at the flea market. All the proceeds made will go to the home. Any leftovers will be donated to the Salvation Army.
Guess what? We made close to 300 dollars! Not bad for about 3 hours of work erh? I was really happy do that. Of course, I did my share by buying the food from the food stall and I bought the handicrafts done by the residents at the home. But my proudest contribution is the henna I got. I have 1 done today for a grand total of 5 henna tattoos now. I wanted more lah...
Maybe I should consider getting a temporary tattoo which lasts for a couple months. What do you think? hmmm...
Oh yes, i bought a bookmark and a book too. hmmm... will this signal a start of my reading ways again? We'll see. Hopefully.
I remembered a time when I went to the beach and sat on a bench facing the sea. I sat there and read. It was sunny but I was under shade. There was a breeze and it was cool. aaahhhhh...
The simple pleasures of life.
We have only just started to live. Many years have gone by when we were not earning out own keep. We had to depend on our parents. Now the tables are turned and we need to support our parents instead. But it also means that we now have the means to support ourselves and we are now able to buy what we want and go where we want to go. In a way, we have grown up...
And we know the responsiblities that come along with growing up. We now have to look after our parents, our siblings, our partners and most importantly, we now have to look after ourselves.
I always a advocate a good cry. God knows I have done that many a times, the last was not too long ago. I feel really good after that. Its not something I would do in public, instead, I want to do it in the privacy of my own surroundings. I know how good it feels. After thats done, the next sunrise will be another brand new start of me. Deep in the recess of my heart, there lies many cuts and scars. Many of them, I will treasure all my life and they will follow me throughout my life. At the end, no one is going to take them away from me because they are mine. No one else will know how it feels even if I gave them to you.
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