Friday, July 16, 2004

Retail Therapy
Ok, I'm not sure how many of you out there are into retail therapy to raise the doom and gloom in and around your life. I am not much into it though I am admit that I have indulged in it from time to time. The amount I spend each time is quite negligeble, considering that I am not a shopping kinda person.
Well, I have gone and top all of that. I have gone a shopping spree, not so much in terms of quantity, at least not in the number of stuff I have gone and bought.
I have spend that huge-est amount of money up to date. I have gone and bought a car.
Oh is that for retail therapy, try and top that!
I know that I have not exactly been myself for some time now. Or maybe this is my true self. Perhaps? I don't know. I'll try my best to be around for those who needs me, and I hope that they will come a-knocking. But no worries, I have not forgotten you, just that I have been lost in myself lately. The weather does not help much either, since its been raining


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