I was watching an episode of Smallville last night. It was about a boy who had a tumour in his brain and Clarke Kent aka Superman could do nothing about it. What really got me was when they were talking about fears. Even Superman had his fears, superhero or not.
This morning, I was listening to the Morning Express on the way to work. The question of the morning? Are you getting married soon and if so, what are some of your fears?
Rather interesting actually because if you are to sit down and think about it, there are lots of things that we do out of fear. Why are we working so hard? Because the times are hard and we fear being retrenched if the comapny is cutting staff. Why does one work so hard for a relationship? Because of fear of losing the other. Why do we stop smoking? Because it is unhealthy and we fear for our health. Why do some people fear getting married? Because they do not know what will happen in future, and what if you discover that actually you are not able to live with the one you chose, for whatever reasons?
Hmmm... fear is quite a big motivating factor and also it is something that can hold you back. I guess, if viewed the correct way, fear is a good thing to have around. Fear, a friend or an adversary?
So are you going to let fear hold you back or are you going to use it to spur you on to better things?
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