Friday, July 30, 2004

Have you ever been so sure of something... something you have already given much thought to, and am very sure of what you are going to do. In fact, you are on the verge of doing it, but strangely and quietly - no suddenly, mind you - a very little, small, tiny matter to say the least, comes up and it makes you stop in your tracks. You stop and think about a lot of things. You stop and your mind is in a mess because you just cannot comprehend how this can happen. How such a tiny matter as this, can actually come up and make you feel this way. More importantly, why -  after all the thinking and considering and steeling yourself up for IT - are you affected by this small detail and the most amazing thing is that you are thinking of a complete U-turn...

My friend reminded me just a couple of nights ago.
Somethings happen for a reason. We just have to find that reason...


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