Not too sure what is happening for the past few days. Apparantly, I have been waking at odd times in the wee hours of the day. For what? Well, a couple of times I needed to go to the toilet but for the other few times? Well well well... I really have not much of an idea as to why I was waking up at those times.
Have you had one of those nights before? Its pretty weird huh? I mean, you wake and then you look around and then you try your darnest to go back to sleep but sleep just would not come. And when you finally do get back to sleep, the alarm clock sounds. Time to wake up! But but but... I just got to sleep! .... oh well....
I guess I'm lucky today. Nope, I did wake up once last night. But I'm lucky because I was able to sleep for quite a bit before the alarm went off. Why?
I'm on leave today. (,")
Have a good day now....
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