Sometimes, all it takes is maybe a word or a phase, appropriately put and at the right time, something would click in your mind and you go on a completely different train of thought.
At times, it takes an event or an occasion to bring that about, but it does happen.
My life are full of turning point events but right here right now, I just hoped that for all the turns that I have taken, I have become a better person than I was 10 years ago, at least in the context of life.
Many many things don't always go our ways. Many a times, we just have to pick ourselves up when we fall and just try harder. Many a times we go against the flow because our gut feel, our very heart and soul tell us that this is the way to go. Just like a salmon swiming against the flow because they know that upstream is where they need to go.
I am as I am. Wings without wings to fly.
I keep wondering from time to time what is it that I must do? There was a time when I had this strong feel, a knowledge of what I am to do. I thought otherwise because I did not want to be lonely. But now, I know. I feel the need to provide. To provide for my family and my friends. Sometimes, when a salmon is not strong enough, the stream takes it along and the salmon is pretty hopeless against it. It probably ends up in the nets of passing trawlers and turns up on the table of a family of 4. But, it is afterall food. The salmon has provided for the family, at least for that 1 day, for that 1 meal. And the family would probably remember the wonderful that is the salmon just for those few hours, before the next meal.
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