christmas weekend and more
how was your christmas weekend?
i spent a few hours of it at work but after that, i was off to our fellow neighbour in the north. i had to attend a colleague's wedding luncheon on sunday afternoon, so a bunch of us decided to go up a day earlier to take in some seafood. afterall, the hotel rooms were free!
we could see the senoko power station where we stayed. it was just beside the straits of johore. we took a walk down the coast and we saw many people just playing and swiming just there by the beach, well, if you can even call it a beach. but the thing was that they were happy, even though we were going like,'eeeee... the water so dirty.' i guess it was a matter of perspective.
i have been to beaches with crystal clear water, such that all you had to do was to wade down to the waters and you could see the fishes swiming close to shore. then we have our east coast and sentosa beach. not even close to world class and a slight disappointment for me, since i had seen those great beaches. and now i have seen what many would discribe as a a bank at most. and yet, here we had people who were enjoying their little piece of heaven.
i guess heaven to some is a great piece of beach with crystal clear waters, to others, its just a sandy bank with muddy waters. its about how we look at things.
of course, everyone one would be striving for their little piece of white sands and crystal clear waters, a huge step up from the sandy bank and muddy waters... but if we are not able to get that, then maybe its not such a big problem at all. afterall, we are already happy with the muddy waters.
my good friend gave me a book titled 'how to be idle'. i have not really read much of it yet, just browsed through a couple of pages. but already 1 quote caught my eye. it read,
' be lazy at everything, except in love and drinking, except in being lazy'.
i'll tell you more about the book as i read it, but i think the basic idea was to tell you that you need to take time to live your life, away from work, and to take time to smell the roses.
this christmas and new year, i just want to be contented with what i already have. i think i am pretty happy with my lot right now. no complains. i love my job, i like what i am getting and seeing each day. i have time for my friends and my mum. i get to move around any time and in any way i want. what else does a man need anymore?....
maybe, a mate?...